Our Pod

Here at the Pod, we share thoughts and opinions about the growing need for diversity in
children’s literature. As we get rooted, we will feature stories about Mighty Girls and Gentle Warriors of Change. Please stay a while, and join the conversation.


June 1, 2020

Unpacking Race and Injustice from Coast to Coast

When we emigrated to Canada from England, I taught at a private Montessori school in Toronto for a couple of years. I remember a family approaching […]
March 16, 2020

Self-Publishing Diverse Children’s Books: Lessons Learned [Part 4]

A four part series providing lessons learned along the journey of independently publishing my children’s books. There were many bloggers who took a chance on me […]
February 24, 2020

Self-Publishing Diverse Children’s Books: Lessons Learned [Part 3]

A four part series providing lessons learned along the journey of independently publishing my children’s books.   Having run a small press over the last ten […]
February 17, 2020

Self-Publishing Diverse Children’s Books: Lessons Learned [Part 1]

A four part series providing lessons learned along the journey of independently publishing my children’s books.   As a classroom teacher of colour, it had been […]
August 1, 2018

The Indie Community Advocating for Diverse Children’s Books

Years ago, when far fewer conversations were taking place around the need for diverse books, I took the necessary leap to launch a small independent children’s […]
April 5, 2018

Could Heritage Months Scaffold Anti-bias Education?

We’ve been in the process of renovating our home and so, trips to tile shops and bathroom showrooms have kept us occupied. Just last weekend, we […]